Sunday, February 26, 2012

Mad Alchemy Embrocation

After arriving home with such a high from Cyclocross Nationals this year, I decided it was about time to reach out to some companies who's products I have long admired for potential sponsorships this season. 

Anyways, sending off packets of information for a hopeful sponsorship makes me as nervous as a balloon in a pin factory. At the same time, throughout this process I am learning what it takes to become a self advocate. It's actually kinda neat to reach out to people you don't know. You've got nothing to lose. 

* * *  

I'm proud to announce that I will be partnering with Mad Alchemy Embrocation for the upcoming season! The local Merrimac Mass. based company makes skin products for cyclists that are good for your skin (no harsh chemicals) and for the environment. 

This is the good stuff!
It even gives your legs a nice little orange glow, so not only will your legs stay warm but they look good too.
Oh oh oh. 

I have found that Mad Alchemy makes reliable products that consistently perform the way you need them to – which eliminates a lot of stress on race day. Especially during 'cross season, I used their Uber Secret Coffee Warming Embrocation nearly every race – including Nationals in January. On training rides throughout this winter, I have been applying embrocation on my knees to make sure they stay extra warm under my neoprene tights. 

You can check out their website here.

I am excited about this opportunity and very grateful.
Thanks for your support, Pete Smith!

Thursday, February 23, 2012

KMS Cycling Team Video

Made this video for the Killington Mountain School's annual auction event. 
Anyways, it's now on the team website.  
Just gives you a little glimpse of how we operate on the KMS Cycling team!

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Sticky Bun Ride

Smokin' 3 hour ride. We started out pretty mellow until the guys went ape just before we hit Pomfret. We were riding two-abreast in a pace-line out of Woodstock, and my legs felt pretty lame for the first half hour of the ride. Anyways, as usual the guys hammered the hills. Our first climb of the day was Wild Apple Road, and shortly after conquering the climb we rode this gnarly Class 4 road that brought us out near the Pomfret town hall. It was pretty sketchy riding on such glazed over terrain, especially while running ~45psi. Man, usually I'd run ~20psi...or I'd just avoid that stuff all together!

"I waaanna sticky buuuunn!" What a motley crew.
L-R: Coachie, me, Tommy, Ansel, Peter Jr. and Brendan aka "The Beast"

We cruised into East Barnard, home of VT artist Sabra Field, then after a few too many punchy climbs and icy descents we arrived in Randolph. We loaded up on some homemade sticky buns, muffins and caffeine, then hit the road again for the 1.5hour return trip home. We had fun torturing one another on the three long climbs out of Randolph. On one of them I swear we rode to the clouds! Eventually we cut back over to Barnard then to Woodstock on Stage Rd.  I was flying today and my legs felt good! The sun was out, the roads were firm and I my feet didn't feel like frozen bags of veggies. By the time we got back to Woodstock, I was totally wasted. But it was so worth it.

Sunday, February 5, 2012

New Shoes!

I always wear cycling shoes, because I can't walk in anything else.
(*except for my Frye boots, of course!)

New Mavic shoes for the 2012 season. The French have always had good taste, oui oui.