Tuesday, May 22, 2012


Five hours, four gaps, 7,000+ft of vertical and 70 miles later...and I still made it to prom on Saturday with my teammate, Brendan, in tow. Prom or no prom, nothing beats a little rendezvous with the team through Vermont's Care Bear Valley... 

We started out on Saturday morning from the Locust Creek Diner on the junction of Rt.12 and 107 and headed over through Bethel and Randolph to the first climb of the day, Rochester Gap. After successfully making it over the top, we had a fast descent before heading to the second climb of the day, Middlebury Gap. We had more anaerobic fun ascending Middlebury Gap. then we took a sharp left turn on the descent and hit up some dirt roads with even more climbing before coming out nearly 20 miles later near the bottom of Brandon Gap. We climbed that too before coming back into the town of Rochester where we rode up the other (more brutal) side of Rochester Gap. All the while, Coach Vollers drove our team van yelling at us to push ourselves harder on the climbs – message from yo' mamma! 

Needless to say, this ride put the hurt to everyone. We hit up the diner for some grub and maple creamies...and then Brendan and I had to rush home for prom. 

My friend, Lucy, was having pictures at her house at 6:15, but I was supposed to get there around 5:30 to get ready with all of the girls – you know the drill. Well, Brendan and I left the diner at 5:15 and we made it to my house at 5:40. I ran inside to shower while my dad drove Brendan to his house in town. I spent about five minutes in the shower, 3 minutes getting dressed, 10 minutes doing my hair and makeup and then I was out the door to meet Brendan in town before scooting over to Lucy's. If bike racing has taught me anything, it's how to get ready real fast and stay real calm under pressure. 

Our sponsor, Smith Optics, made it to prom too!  

Brendan, me, mom and dad. 
Heels are bad shoes for recovery. Remember that ladies!! 
We were extremely tired from the day's ride, but we both had a great time at prom. The next morning we got up and it was back on the saddle with the team, this time doing a recon of the KSR rr course (more climbing, more miles!), which is coming up this weekend! 

More on that to come...

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